
Encore Dance Center

2015 Competition Results


Title Winner
Junior Miss On Stage America Winner- Jade Kelly-Carter- "Hideaway"​

Titlist Finalists- Emma Wynkoop, Anastaszja Kubajek, Samantha Barboza, Jade Kelly-Carter, Lexi Tabor, Celeste Brooks

Special Awards
Major Confidence Award-Easton Nguyen- "Grow"
Class Act Award- Encore Dance Center
Cruise Winner- Diane Holland, Encore Dance Center


Tori Gross, Josh Holland, Samantha Barboza, Anastazja Kubajek, Isabella Squatrito, Lexi Tabor, Jade Kelly-Carter, Vivian Wermers, Emma Wynkoop, Easton Nguyen, Celeste Brooks, Marissa Robles, Kate McNulty, Peyton Willcox, Casey Nguyen

 Overall High Scores
Petite Novice Solo
2nd Place- Little Jazz Bird- Angelina Squatrito

Petite Intermediate Solo
1st Place- Show Off- Mia Casey

Petite Intermediate Duo/Trio
2nd Place- Best Friends

Petite Novice Small Group
3rd Place- Do You Want to Build a Snowman

Petite Intermediate Small Group
1st Place- I Make My Own Sunshine

Junior Advanced Solo
3rd Place- Here I Am- Lexi Tabor
4th Place- Warrior- Anastazja Kubajek
5th Place- East Wind- Samantha Barboza
6th Place- Tied - Hideaway- Jade Kelly Carter & Absolutely Me - Emma Wynkoop
9th Place- Recess- Tori Gross

Junior Intermediate Solo
9th Place- Wake Me Up- Maddie Barboza

Junior Intermediate Duo/Trio
3rd Place- Put On a Happy Face

Junior Advanced Duo/Trio
2nd Place- Walk Through Walls
4th Place- How Will I Know
8th Place- I Won't Dance
9th Place- Slight Work

Junior Intermediate Small Group
1st Place- Work It

Junior Advanced Small Group
1st Place- Can You Do This
2nd- Miss Invisible
3rd Place- Circle of Friends
6th Place- Jet Set
8th Place- Wild For The Night
9th Place- Wild Horses

Junior Advanced Large Group
4th Place- Animals

Junior Advanced Production
2nd Place- Aladdin

Teen Advanced Solo
7th Place- I Know You- Celeste Brooks

Teen Advanced Duo/Trio
3rd Place- Dream On
5th Place- Heavenly Day

Teen Advanced Large Group
3rd Place- Dead in the Water

Teen Advanced Production
2nd Place- What is Jazz

Senior Advanced Duo/Trio
2nd Place- The Same Things
6th Place-Love Runs Out
8th Place- Bring On The Men

Senior Small Group
6th Place- Hallelujah
9th Place- Hero
10th Place- Wanted



Title Winners
"Here I Am"- Dancer of the Year Finalist- Lexi Tabor

Special Awards
"Circle of Friends"- Judge's Choice Award
"Grow Up"- Performance Award
"Walk Through Walls"- Showstopper Award
"Thunder"-Isabella Squatrito- Performance Award
"Recess"-Tori Gross- Showstopper Award
"Here I Am"- 12 & Under Shining Star Highest Score- Lexi Tabor

Category Winners
Junior Jazz- "Anything Goes"
Junior Lyrical- "East Wind"-Samantha Barboza
Junior Tap- "If I Were a Bell"-Gwendalynn Jones
Teen Lyrical- "Beauty in the Rain"
Teen Musical Theater- "Aladdin"
Senior Tap- "Rude Boy"-Amanda Kubicki

 Overall High Scores
Petite Solos- Shining Star
1st Overall- Show Off- Mia Casey

 Petite Duo/Trios- Shining Star
1st Overall- Best Friends

 Junior Solos- Shining Star
1st Overall- Here I Am- Lexi Tabor
5th Overall- East Wind- Samantha Barboza
6th Overall- If I Were a Bell- Gwendalynn Jones

Junior Duo/Trios- Shining Star
2nd Overall- Walk Through Walls
3rd Overall- I Won't Dance
4th Overall- Sweet Child of Mine
5th Overall- Anything Goes

 Junior Small Groups- Shining Star
3rd Overall- Circle of Friends
4th Overall- Jet Set

Teen Solos- Shining Star
7th Overall- I Know You- Celeste Brooks

Teen Duo/Trios- Shining Star
4th Overall- Dream On

Teen Small Groups- Shining Star
2nd Overall- The Chain
6th Overall- Beauty in the Rain

Teen Large Group- Shining Star
1st Overall- Dead in the Water

Teen Lines- Shining Star
1st Overall- What is Jazz

Senior Solos- Shining Star
2nd Overall- Rude Boy- Amanda Kubicki
6th Overall- Yellow- Casey Nguyen

Senior Duo/Trios- Shining Star
2nd Overall- The Same Things

Senior Small Groups- Shining Star
2nd Overall- Oye Como Va


Special Awards

"Miss Invisible"-Jaime Popard- Jr. Entertainment Showdown Winner

"Wild Horses"- Choreography Award- Katie Flint
"Hallelujah"- Captivating Award
"Heavenly Day"- Presentation Award
"Recess"- Diva Award- Tori Gross
"Guess I Got My Swagger Back"-Major Swag Award- Josh Holland
"Show Off"- Presentation Award- Mia Casey
"Warrior"- Technique Award- Anastazja Kubajek

IDC Dance Idol Semi-Finalists- Jade Kelly-Carter, Celeste Brooks, Easton Nguyen, Emma Wynkoop, Casey Nguyen, Kate McNulty, Peyton Willcox, Amanda Kubicki, Josh Holland, Tori Gross, Gwendalynn Jones, Samantha Barboza, Anastazja Kubajek, Mia Casey, Adrianna Myers, Lexi Tabor, Isabella Squatrito, Maddie Barboza, Vivian Wermers, Marissa Robles

Dancewerks National Workshop Scholarship Winner- Samantha Barboza
Junior Center Stage Award- Josh Holland
Senior Center Stage Award- Peyton Willcox

Category Winners
8-9 Solo Musical Theater- "Show Off"- Mia Casey
8-9 Duo/Trio Musical Theater- "Put On a Happy Face"
8-9 Solo Lyrical- "Wake Me Up"- Maddie Barboza
10-11 Solo Hip Hop- "Guess I Got My Swagger Back"- Josh Holland
10-11 Solo Lyrical- "Warrior"- Anastazja Kubajek
10-11 Solo Musical Theater- "Here I Am"- Lexi Tabor
10-11 Solo Tap- "Thunder"- Isabella Squatrito
14-15 Duo/Trio Lyrical- "Dream On"

Overall High Scores
Future Junior Female Solo
1st Overall- Little Jazz Bird- Angelina Squatrito

Junior Female Solo
1st Overall- Warrior- Anastazja Kubajek
2nd Overall- Here I Am- Lexi Tabor
3rd Overall- Thunder- Isabella Squatrito
4th Overall- Show Off- Mia Casey
5th Overall- East Wind- Samantha Barboza

Junior Male Solo
1st Overall- Guess I Got My Swagger Back- Josh Holland

Junior Duo/Trio
2nd Overall- I Won't Dance

 Junior Small Group
2nd Overall- Wild for the Night
3rd Overall- I Make My Own Sunshine

Junior Large Group
1st Overall- Miss Invisible
3rd Overall- Grow Up

Junior Ultimate Group Champion
2nd Overall- Miss Invisble
3rd Overall- I Won't Dance

Teen Line
2nd Overall- Animals

Teen Production
2nd Overall- Aladdin
3rd Overall- What is Jazz

Senior Female Solo
2nd Overall- Rude Boy- Amanda Kubicki

Senior Small Group
2nd Overall- Hallelujah

Senior Ultimate Group Champion
3rd Overall- Hallelujah


Special Awards
Awesome Isolations Award- "Guess I Got My Swagger Back"- Josh Holland
Great Potential Award- "East Wind"- Samantha Barboza
Potential Plus Award- "Walk Through Walls"
Classic Award- "Heavenly Day"
Lots of Attitude Award- "Show Off"- Mia Casey
Whole Package Award- "The Same Things"
Choreography Award- "What Is Jazz?"- Diane Holland
Power of Dance Award- Peyton Willcox

Overall Winners
Junior Group & Line High Score- "You Can't Stop Me"
13 & Over Production High Score- "Animals"

Scholarship Winners
Amanda Kubicki, Angelina Squatrito, Isabella Squatrito, Jade Kelly-Carter, Kate McNulty, Lexi Tabor, Peyton Willcox

Eligible for National Title
Gwendalynn Jones, Mia Casey, Jade Kelly-Carter, Joshua Holland, Emma Wynkoop, Amanda Kubicki, Samantha Barboza, Peyton Willcox, Aliayah Brunt, Anastazja Kubajek, Casey Nguyen, Lexi Tabor

Category High Scores
Small Fry Solo
2nd Overall- Show Off- Mia Casey

 Junior Solo
2nd Overall- Here I Am- Lexi Tabor

 Junior Duo
1st Overall- Put On a Happy Face

 Junior Group
1st Overall- You Can't Stop Me
2nd Overall- Wild Horses

Pre-Teen Solo
4th Overall- Warrior- Anastazja Kubajek

Pre-Teen Duo
1st Overall- Walk Through Walls
3rd Overall- I Won't Dance
4th Overall- Anything Goes
5th Overall- Sweet Child of Mine

Pre-Teen Group
2nd Overall- Jet Set
4th Overall- Grow Up
5th Overall- Treasure

Pre-Teen Line
2nd Overall- Miss Invisible
3rd Overall- Can You Do This

Teen Duo
2nd Overall- Dream On

Teen Trio
2nd Overall- Heavenly Day

Teen Line
1st Overall- Dead in the Water

Senior Solo
4th Overall- Yellow- Casey Nguyen

Senior Duo
3rd Overall- Love Runs Out

Senior Trio
1st Overall- The Same Things
5th Overall- Bring on the Men

Senior Group
2nd Overall- Hallelujah
3rd Overall (tie)- Oye Como Va
3rd Overall (tie)- Hero
4th Overall- Wanted

13 & Over Production
1st Overall- Animals
2nd Overall- What is Jazz
3rd Overall- Aladdin

Special Awards
"Here I Am"- Sheer Performance Award- Lexi Tabor
"Aladdin"-Sheer Excitement Award
"Work It"- Sheer Entertainment Award
"Guess I Got My Swagger Back"- Sheer Technique Award- Josh Holland
"Grow"- Extremely Sheer Award- Easton Nguyen
"Dead in the Water"- Sheer Choreography Award- Allison Dubriel
"Take It Back"- Sheer Personality Award- Peyton Willcox
"Circle of Friends"- Sheer Brilliance Award
"You Make Me Feel So Young"- Sheer Vibrancy Award
"Sweet Child of Mine"- Sheer Ballerina Award
"Hero"- Powerhouse Award
"Ain't Nobody"- Sheer Radiance Award- Marissa Robles

Overall High Scores
Small Wonders Solos
1st Overall- Show Off- Mia Casey
2nd Overall- Little Jazz Bird- Angelina Squatrito

Small Wonders Duos
1st Overall- Best Friends

 Small Wonders Trios
1st Overall- I Make My Own Sunshine

 Small Wonders Groups
1st Overall- Shake a Tail Feather
2nd Overall- Soda Pop
5th Overall- Do You Want to Build a Snowman

Junior Solos
1st Overall- Here I Am- Lexi Tabor
2nd Overall- Wake Me Up- Maddie Barboza
4th Overall- Sparkling Diamonds- Adrianna Myers

Junior Duos
5th Overall- Put On a Happy Face

Junior Groups
3rd Overall- Work It
4th Overall- You Can't Stop Me
5th Overall- Wild Horses

 Pre-Teen Solos
1st Overall- Hideaway- Jade Kelly-Carter
3rd Overall- Thunder- Isabella Squatrito
4th Overall- Love the Way You Lie- Vivian Wermers
5th Overall (tie)- Warrior- Anastazja Kubajek
5th Overall (tie)- Guess I Got My Swagger Back- Josh Holland

 Pre-Teen Duos
1st Overall- Walk Through Walls
3rd Overall- Sweet Child of Mine
4th Overall- I Won't Dance
5th Overall- You Make Me Feel So Young

Pre-Teen Groups
2nd Overall- Jet Set
3rd Overall- Grow Up
4th Overall- Circle of Friends

Pre-Teen Lines
3rd Overall- Miss Invisible
4th Overall- Can You Do This
5th Overall- Outta Your Mind

Teen Duos
3rd Overall- Dream On

Teen Trios
2nd Overall- Heavenly Day

Teen Groups
4th Overall- Disturbed
5th Overall- Beauty in the Rain

Teen Lines
2nd Overall- Dead in the Water

13 & Up Production
2nd Overall- What is Jazz

Senior Solos
4th Overall- Yellow- Casey Nguyen
5th Overall- If It Hadn't Been for Love- Kate McNulty

Senior Duos
3rd Overall- Love Runs Out

Senior Trios
1st Overall- The Same Things
2nd Overall- Bring On the Men

Senior Groups
2nd Overall- Hallelujah
4th Overall- Hero
5th Overall- Wanted
This competition was only for our Hip Hop crew and optional soloists (not the entire team). 

Hip Hop Crew Results:
Ayo- High Gold- 1st in Category
Work It- High Gold- 1st in Category

Optional Soloist results:
Mia Casey- Platinum- 1st in Category- 1st Overall 8 & under Intermediate Level Solo
Maddie Barboza- High Gold- 1st in Category
Joshua Holland- High Gold- 1st in Category
Tori Gross- High Gold
Samantha Barboza- High Gold- 8th Overall 9-11 Advanced level solo
Anastazja Kubajek- High Gold-5th Overall 9-11 Advanced level solo
Adrianna Myers- High Gold- 1st in Category
Lexi Tabor-Platinum- 1st in Category- 3rd Overall 9-11 Advanced level solo
Gwenny Jones- High Gold- 1st in category- 7th Overall 9-11 Advanced level solo
Emma Wynkoop- High Gold
Jade Kelly- High Gold- 1st in category
Vivian Wermers- High Gold
Celeste Brooks- High Gold

Special Awards:
Swagtastic Award- "Ayo"
Costume Award- "Showoff"
Creative Choreography Award-  Jaime Popard



4th Place- Mia Casey - Show Off
High Scores
Small Wonder Duo
5th - Best Friends

Small Wonders Trio
3rd- I Make My Own Sunshine

Small Wonders Groups
4th -Do You Wanna Build A Snowman

Junior Trios
4th Place- Ayo

Pre-Teen Solos
1st- Guess I Got My Swagger Back - Josh Holland

Pre-Teen Duos
5th- Slight Work
4th-Walk Through Walls
1st- I Won't Dance

Pre-Teen Group
5th-Wild For The Night

Teen Duo
5th - Dream On

Senior Trios
4th - The Same Things

Senior Groups
4th- Wanted

12 and Under Productions
5th – Animals

2015 Competition Results